responsive site templates


This is an overview of Software Development Process using MyCodeFactory

Step 1 - A

Decide Code Model to use

You can select from the Code Models available on the site / GitHub or you can decide to develop your own Code Model to perfectly suit your requirement. It shouldn't take long to build your code model.

Step 1 - B

Prepare your Data Model

You can build your data model using C#, Java or GUI on website. If you already have database, all you need to do is execute a query.

Step 2

Generate Application Code

Upload you Code Model and Data Model to generate the Application Code.

Both Parts A and B in Step 1 can be executed parallelly, independent of each other. However, Step 1 must be completed i.e., both the Code Model and Data Model must be ready before you proceed to Step 2 (Code Generation).

Ideally, your business logic code should be seperate from Generated Code. Such an architecture would allow you to work on your business logic code anytime. However, many a times, business logic would be developed after Step 2 (Code Generation).